Nidon Hidankyo representatives at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony
Peace Day 'tree' outside All Saints Church.  Visitors to our stall wrote peace messages on paper doves and hung them on the tree
Mayor Cllr Liz Green at our Hiroshima Commemoration
Martin's banner in one of the Palestine demos: Israel wake up; Rejoin humanity
three demonstrators -- If we don't end war, war will end us

Forthcoming events

Our Annual General meeting will be an in-person event:

Kingston Peace Council/CND AGM

Tuesday 11th February 7pm to 9pm

at Kingston Quaker Centre, Fairfield East, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2PT.

Until further notice we shall continue to hold our usual monthly meetings online, on the second Tuesday of every month. We are sorry that this excludes members without internet access. If you would like to join us please ask Gill -- see the Contacts page.

Our next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 14th January 2025.

Our stalls take place in the market place in Kingston on the first and third Saturdays of each month from 11am.

We are supporting the regular marches for Palestine held regularly in central London. For details of these see You can usually find KPC members near the front of the march, behind the large yellow CND banner.

Wednesday 8th April 2020 CANCELLED
CANCELLED Monthly meeting at 7.45pm at Kingston Quaker Centre, Fairfield East, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2PT (map and directions). All welcome.

Wednesday 29th April 2020 CANCELLED
CANCELLED David Wearing will come to speak about the links between the UK and Saudi Arabia. Organised in collaboration with the Department of Politics, Human Rights and International Relations and the Centre for Human Rights Solidarity and Practice at Kingston University.
This event will be at a different venue: Room JG0003, John Galsworthy building, Kingston University (Penrhyn Road campus), Penrhyn Road, Kingston KT1 2EE. 6pm to 7.30pm. All welcome. Free, donations accepted.

Welcome to KPC/CND

We are a local group providing a focus for people in Kingston and the surrounding area who wish to work for international understanding, the peaceful resolution of conflict, the abolition of nuclear weapons and an end to the arms race and general disarmament. We publish a monthly newsletter Kingston Peace News.

Subscription rates £8 annually, £10 family membership, £3 unwaged.

Our activities include:

We are affiliated to Network for Peace, where you can find information about other local peace groups in the UK, national organisations working for peace, and a comprehensive listing of future events organised by other groups -- demonstrations, talks, concerts etc -- in this area and throughout the UK.

Searching this site. To search this site, go to your favourite search engine and paste into the query box as well as your search words. More detailed instructions: Bing, Google.

Find us on Facebook
'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has'
Margaret Mead, anthropologist