Welcome to KPC/CND
We are a local group providing a focus for people in Kingston and the surrounding area who wish to work for international understanding, the peaceful resolution of conflict, the abolition of nuclear weapons and an end to the arms race and general disarmament. We publish a monthly newsletter Kingston Peace News.
Subscription rates £8 annually, £10 family membership, £3 unwaged.
Our activities include:
- Monthly meetings: we meet online on Zoom on the of every month at 8pm, to discuss current business and campaigning activities, share ideas, or listen to invited speakers. Visitors and new ideas are always welcome. If you would like to join us, please ask Gill -- see the Contacts page.
- A regular street stall: on the first and third Saturdays of every month, 11am to 1pm or sometimes to 2pm, in Kingston Market Place, next to the entrance to All Saints Church.
- Stalls at local fairs to publicise our activities and raise funds
- Vigils and public meetings and other events to raise public awareness of peace-related issues.
- Letter writing and lobbying
- Supporting other peace and justice campaigns, in particular the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. As well as being the Kingston Peace Council, we are the CND local group for Kingston, part of London Region CND.
- Taking part in regional and national demonstrations
We are affiliated to Network for Peace, where you can find information about other local peace groups in the UK, national organisations working for peace, and a comprehensive listing of future events organised by other groups -- demonstrations, talks, concerts etc -- in this area and throughout the UK.
Searching this site. To search this site, go to your favourite search engine and paste site:kpc.gn.apc.org into the query box as well as your search words. More detailed instructions: Bing, Google.
- Newsletter (January/February 2025, PDF 4.7MB)
- Newsletter archive
- Getting Arrested, an account by Harry Davis of when he was arrested protesting at Faslane
- Why we should all care about Guantanamo by Noel Hamel
- Nuclear morality flowchart by Martin Birdseye
- Pupils’ peaceful poems rewarded with a Picasso print (press release 10 April 2011)
- Veolia - Submission to Local Authorities (web page / Microsoft Word)
- The Palace of Crystal (book extract)
- Vietnam – 30 years of US involvement (web page / Microsoft Word)
- Just War and UK actions in the Middle East
- Contact us